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There are multiple ways to upgrade your equips in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love to make them more powerful. It may be confusing at first because they all sound similar. This guide will explain the differences between the four methods to help you get the best gear possible for your character! Jul 01, 2016 Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is a free-to-play fantasy RPG based off the original Ragnarok Online franchise, developed by XD Global and licensed by Gravity Interactive. 38.1k Certified Ragnarockers. Welcome to fair trading system. Before discussing the system more deeply, this game has no trade between players, all buying and selling can only be done in the market and all the prices of the regulating system. For those who still like to call this Auction, please stop because the Auction System is on its Continue reading 'Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love Guide: Market And Exchange'. Your ultimate ragnarok mobile guide for Merchant, Blacksmith, and Whitesmith! Check out various builds like Cart, Agi, and Crafter/Forger. Search for leveling spots, skill guides, equipment guides, pet guides, card guides, and rune guides! Look no further, 99porings.com got you covered!

Ragnarok Eternal Love Database

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love ClassesExplained guide will help bring you up to speed with the various different character options in mobile’s latest MMORPG. We’ll talk you through what to expect from each of them, including their strengths and weaknesses and how they play.

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Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Classes Explained

Before we move onto the classes themselves, we just want to briefly explain what making your class choice entails. Classes in Ragnarok M are called Jobs, and you start as a Novice. At level 10, you can choose your first Job, which is where you’ll start to develop your playstyle.

We’ll dig into the different Job options later in this guide but, ultimately, the difference between them is in how they fight. There are melee, ranged, magic, healing, and stealthy options, among more, and you can further customise your characters as the various different roles of DPS, Tank, Support, and more as you progress, picking up further Jobs along the way.

So we’d really recommend studying the various different Job options below to find the one that’s right for you. Take a look at the further Job options that unlock once you’ve picked your base Job too, as they can really differ in play style.

Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Classes List


If you like dealing insane damage at long range, the Archer is the Job choice for you. They deal high damage to single targets at the longest range in the game, differing from the Mage who specialises in AoE attacks at a shorter distance.

The weakness of the Archer is that it can’t take many hits before falling in battle, and it will struggle against groups given its lack of AoE attacks. It excels in groups though – particularly against bosses, where it’s insane single target damage will help bring them down quickly.

The Archer can progress to the Hunter Job.

Archer Skills

Double StrafeActiveFires 2 arrows that deal double damage to an enemy.
Vulture’s EyePassivePermanently increases range by 5% and hit by 2.
Arrow ShowerActiveShoots 4 waves of arrows to the target area, each wave dealing 75% damage to up to 8 enemy units.
Arrow RepelActiveShoots a powerful arrow, dealing 200% damage to the target and knocking it back.
Owl’s EyePassivePermanently increases Dex by 1.
Elemental ArrowPassiveWhen using bows, attack increases by 3 and auto attack increases by 10
Ankle SnareActiveLay traps in specified areas. The enemy caught in the trap will be snared for 2 seconds (this effect cannot be removed by Panacea). At most 2 traps can be laid at the same time. The same target can’t be snared within 1.5 seconds after receiving a snare effect.


The Acolyte is your healing and support option in Ragnarok M, though it can deal moderate damage to enemies with its harmful skills. You can also fight in melee with a Mace or Knuckles, or at range with a Staff.

If you’re the sort of player that prefers to support their team over dealing damage, the Acolyte is the choice for you. We’d strongly recommend playing with a friend though, as your damage won’t be very high.

We’d also argue that the Acolyte is a good choice for players that like to do a bit of everything. It can fight in melee or at range, deal damage, and support players. You certainly won’t be bored playing an Acolyte.

The Acolyte can progress to the Priest Job.

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Acolyte Skills

Holy Light StrikeActiveAttacks an enemy with holy light, dealing 120% holy magic damage and some real magic damage. It also expels Kyrie Eleison.
HealActiveRestore HP to self and allies. When the target are undead monsters, the skill deals holy damage.
Kyrie EleisonActiveGive a shield that blocks damage to an ally. The shield blocks damage up to five times and lasts 120 seconds.
BlessingActiveProvides all allies with 2 strength, dexterity, and intelligence for 120 seconds. Also removes Curse and Petrify from the target ally.
Increase AgilityPassiveBlessing now increases Agility by 2 and move speed by 30% for 120 seconds.
RuwachActiveSearches for hidden enemy units for 10 seconds, dealing 150% holy magic damage to any enemy units found.
Light ShieldActiveBecomes immune to ranged attack for 8 seconds, withstanding up to 10 attacks.
Maces MasteryPassiveWhen using Maces and Knuckles, attack is increased by 6 points and auto attack by 20 points.


The Merchant is an intriguing class in that its abilities aren’t all designed around combat. If you like earning the big bucks and trading, this is the class for you.

That’s not to say that it’s no good in combat. In fact, it can deal huge damage with its Cart skills and support its allies with a variety of buffs.

The Merchant can progress to the Blacksmith Job.

Merchant Skills

Cart AttackActiveAttacks an enemy with Cart Attack, dealing 300% lane damage. Carts are required.
Enhanced CartPassiveWhen using Cart-related skills, attack +15.
Change CartPassiveIncreases Cart storage cap by 10 slots. When skill level reaches 5, player can use Light Cart and Cat Cart.
Loud ExclamationActiveMerchant raises strength with Loud Exclamation. For 120 seconds, your strength is raised by 1 point. This effect can be removed by Clearance Marsh Pond.
MammoniteActiveAttacks an enemy with gold coins, dealing 150% damage.
Buying LowPassiveBuy items at a 1% discount from certain NPC merchants.
OverPricePassiveThe sell price rises by 6% at shops.
Fund RaisingPassiveZeny makes the most beautiful music. When merchants pick by Zeny, gets 2% more Zeny.


The Mage is the master of AoE damage, capable of taking down hordes of enemies with ease. They fight at ranged, much like the Archer.

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This is the class for those that like to deal huge damage to enemy groups, but isn’t interested in supporting their teammates.

That’s not to say they’re not useful in groups. They shine at taking down groups of weaker mobs, which helps keep your team alive. They’re just incapable of tanking, healing, or supporting others.

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Mages can progress to the Wizard Job.

Mage Skills

Soul StrikeActiveSummons holy spirits to attack, dealing 160% magic attack to the target. If the target is undead, it deals 5% more damage.
Fire BoltActiveAttacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing 100% fire magic damage and low magic damage.
Ring of FireActiveBlocks enemies with a fire circle wall, dealing 50% fire magic damage to enemy units who try to get through it. It can block up to five times.
Increases Spiritual RecoveryPassiveEvery 10 second, you recover 3 + 0.2% of your max SP and increases the number of SP restored by SP items by 5%.
Cold BoltActiveAttacks an enemy with ice arrows from the sky, dealing 100% magic attack and water magic damage.
Frost DiverActiveDeals 110% water magic damage to the target. Has a 38% chance to freeze it for 3 seconds.
Lightning BoltActiveDeals 100% wind magic damage to the target.


Swordsman is your defacto tank, capable of absorbing large amounts of damage on the frontline. They’re no stranger to dealing damage themselves though.

If you like swinging massive swords at your enemies, dealing huge damage and taking it yourself, the Swordsman is the class for you.

It progresses to the Knight job.

Swordsman Skills

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BashActiveDeals 110% damage to the target.
Magnum BreakActiveKnocks back all nearby units and deals 115% fire damage. Also applies fire damage to all auto attacks and increases damage by 20% for 10 seconds.
TauntActiveTaunts enemies in the target area, forcing them to attack you for 3 seconds and increasing their attack by 50%. Does not affect players.
EndureActiveWhen attacked, you won’t get interrupted or knocked back. You also get 10 magic defence. It lasts 10 seconds but ends after taking 7 attacks.
Sword MasteryPassiveWhen using swords, attack increases by 4 and auto attack increases by 20.
Increase Recuperative PowerPassivePermanently increases HP regen speed. You restore HP every 5 seconds and HP regen items have 5% increased effects.


The Thief is the master of stealth and subterfuge, capable of dealing huge damage very quickly to opponents. If you like supporting your team by taking down threats quickly, the Thief is the choice for you.

Thief Skills

Strong Blade AttackActiveDeals 110% damage to an enemy and reduces its move speed by 30%. Lasts for 5 seconds.
Double AttackPassiveWhen launching auto attacks with daggers, there’s a 5% chance to deal double damage.
Improve FleePassivePermanently increases Flee and move speed by 1%.
HidingActiveHides for 30 seconds, reducing movement speed by 80%.
AmbushActiveDeal damage equal to 150% attack to a single enemy. If performed while in hiding, it deals 100% more damage and stuns the target for 3 seconds. Requires Katar or daggers.
Enchant PoisonActiveApplies poison to the weapon that lasts for 30 seconds. Auto attacks have a 3% chance to poison the enemy for 15 seconds, reducing defence, health and SP restoration, and reducing max HP every second. The HP reduction effects stack three times.
DetoxifyActiveRemove the whole party’s poison status.
Venom KnifeActiveAttacks the target with Venom Knife, dealing 115% poison damage and 100% more if the target is already poisoned.2