El Dedo Cuban Salsa El Dedo is a classic Casino Miami move that starts in a Dile Que No. This salsa move also incorporates vacila and enchufla so it’s important to learn these basic patterns first.
- El Dedo is a classic Casino Miami move that starts in a Dile Que No. This salsa move also incorporates vacila and enchufla so it’s important to learn these basic patterns first.
- Cuban Salsa: Para El Medio Posted on December 28, 2020 by Jesper Tverskov Leave a comment This is an important move because Para el Medio is not only the standard way to start a Rueda de Casino but it is also one of the best ways to start a social 1-on-1 dance.
- Salsa cubana 'el dedo' Salsagaia Online School www,sossalsa.dance. Salsagaia Online School 17,606 views. Dedo Con Una Mano (Salsa Casino) - Duration: 1:16. Con Sabor A Salsa 31,593.
Ruda de casino
closed position
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sale tu
(you leave)
open position
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el dedo con guarapo y bota
(‘el dedo’ with a neckless and ‘bota’)
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enchufla contra Mambo
(‘enchufla’ with counter Mambo)
The figure may also be called “enchufla contra Mambo square” or “enchufla contra Mambo cajón” to emphasize the fact that both the leader and follower should be moving in a square/box/caja while doing the contra mambo part. Creator : Nikola Medic
enchufla para hombres
(“enchufla” for men)
Metete El Dedo Salsa Casino
ocho para mujeres
(eight for me ladies)
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Pedro Navaja
(male character from the song Pedro Navaja, by Ruben Blades, the latin version of “Mack the knife”)
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por mi por ti
(for me for you)
(small female salsa dancer)
setenta por las manos
(‘setenta’ with the hands)
toma electrica
(electrical circuit)
toma electrica complicado
(complicated ‘toma electrica‘)
vacilala y florea
(‘vacilala’ and bloom)
Do you know the figure ‘florea’? You have probably used it or at least seen it in casino. This video shows a figure combining ‘florea’ with ‘vacilala’. This makes makes ‘florea’ accessible also in rueda. Why not try out this great and classic cuban figure, in rueda or in casino?
open position
side by side
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na pa´mi, una pa´ti
(one for me, one for you)
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dame dos con Cuba
(‘dame dos‘ with Cuba)
rueda caminando
cadena complicate >
‘Tarro‘ is a commonly used figure from closed position, when dancing ‘vamos arriba‘. The principle is to move forward to the next partner and continue the movement you were doing. This principle may also be applied to other figures where the Rueda is in motion, like in ‘cadena complicate‘.
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dos con Cuba sin soltar – se fue
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paseito caminando
Tumba Francesa complicado
open position
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amistad > llevala a Bayamo
patineta doble
‘patineta doble’ is a nice variation of ‘patineta’, and also an excellent challenge for the ladies/followers. The general idea when adding ‘doble’ to a figure is to do the central part of the figure twice.
Note what happens between the two patinetas: the men move forward, so the ladies do not have to move far out before going back in to the center. The men are circling around the ladies, using the steps from ‘cero’.
In ‘patineta’ the ladies/followers return to the same partner, while in ‘patin para mujeres’ the ladies/followers move to the next partner in abajo direction, also keeping more eye contact in order to spot the next partner to make the exit better.
vcilala y florea doble
This figure is a variation of ‘vacilala y florea‘ where you dance ‘florea‘ twice, like you often do when combining vacilala and floera in casino. It’s a nice figure to play with your eye contact with your partner throughout the figure. Using this figure in rueda will also challenge challenge you on how to position yourself in relation to your partner.
patin con Bamboleo
patineta con Bamboleo
patineta y patin con Bamboleo
El Dedo Salsa Casino Atlantic City
vacilala y florea > siguelo
El Dedo Salsa Casino San Diego